One of Ultros’ most-used plugins is the URLs plugin. This plugin is in charge of handling URLs (aka links) that are shared within any channels Ultros is a part of. By default, all this plugin will do is attempt to find the page title of a standard http or https URL, but other plugins (such as URL-tools) may add special handling for specific sites.

This plugin requires that the Auth plugin be loaded and available, and that a permissions manager be set up.

Getting started

The first thing you’ll want to do is head into config/plugins and copy urls.yml.example to urls.yml. The configuration has sensible defaults, so you’re free to stop here if you just want to plug-and-go.

If not, open the file and configure it to your liking, following the guidelines below.

spoofing:  # Sites to spoof differently. Normally we spoof Firefox, you can set an alternative string for user-agent spoofing, or disable it entirely with False.
  soundcloud.com: False

This section is all about user-agent spoofing. Spoofing is necessary so that websites respond to us as if we’re a real web browser - Firefox by default. In this section, you can set a different user-agent string for specific domains, or disable spoofing by setting this to False - This is necessary for sites like Soundcloud, which use Javascript to set the page title when a real browser is detected, but simply places it in the HTML otherwise.

# The default user-agent to use for all domains that don't have custom spoofing
default_user_agent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; rv:36.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/36.0"

Further to this, you may set the default user-agent string to use for all websites that haven’t been placed in the spoofing setting above. The default is Firefox’s user-agent string.

  max: 15

  domains:  # Only these domains will be allowed for pre-handler redirects
  - "5z8.info"  # shadyurl.com
  - "bit.ly"
  - "cli.gs"
  - "db.tt"
  - "deck.ly"
  - "dickensurl.com"
  - "fb.me"
  - "fur.ly"
  - "gg.gg"
  - "git.io"
  - "goo.gl"
  - "is.gd"
  - "mcaf.ee"
  - "nazr.in"  # Pssh
  - "owl.ly"
  - "redd.it"
  - "su.pr"
  - "t.co"
  - "tinyurl.com"
  - "turl.ca"
  - "vurl.com"
  - "waa.ai"
  - "youtu.be"

This section is all about pre-handler redirects. To understand what this means, you should understand that the URLs plugin works by registering handlers for different sites based on various different criteria. Before those handlers are run, however, we can attempt to resolve any redirects presented by URL shortening services and other sites.

  • max: The maximum number of redirects to follow before giving up. Set this to a reasonably low amount.
  • domains: A whitelist of domains to follow redirects for before handlers are run. Regular expressions are not used.

max_title_length: 150  # Truncate titles that are longer than this - note that this only applies
                         # to the title itself, not the message containing it

For the default website handler only: The maximum length of a title to be sent to a chat network. As the configuration states, note that this is the length of the title as shown on the page - the actual message sent to the chat network will be slightly larger to accommodate the domain info.

blacklist: []  # List of patterns to match against URLs; if matched then the URL will be ignored.

The blacklist is used to ignore different URls based on regular expressions. The full URL will be tested against each regular expression in this list, and if one of them matches, will be completely ignored by the plugin. For example, you may want to ignore git.io URLs if the bot is in channels where those URLs are pasted a lot - such as by another bot.

If you don’t understand regular expressions, we recommend the excellent Learn Regex the Hard Way by Zed. A. Shaw - Although it only goes up to exercise 16, it’s a great place to start.

Please also note that when you’re writing regular expressions in YAML, you should surround them with ‘single quotes’, so that YAML will not try to directly handle any regex escapes you use.

default_shortener: tinyurl  # The default shortener for channels without one set
                              # This will revert to tinyurl if the shortener doesn't exist

For the URL shortening part of the plugin, this is the default handler to use. This plugin only provides a TinyURL shortener by default, which is used whenever the shortener you set here can’t be found, but plugins such as URL-tools may add other shorteners, which you may use here instead.

Note that this doesn’t override the per-channel shorteners (which will be covered later) unless they’re missing.

  # This section is entirely optional
  # default: "en"  # Sent for any site not in the list below
  domains:  # Leave out the starting "www."
    "example.com": "en-GB,en;q=0.9"

This section is all about languages. Some websites will look out for a header named Accept-Language and try to serve their website using the specified language. You may set the default language requested here, as well as specifying specific languages for separate domains, if you so wish. This may be of particular interest to users that aren’t native English speakers.

sessions:  # Sessions allow cookies to be stored during requests and retrieved later on
            # All matching is done using regular expressions - https://docs.python.org/2/library/re.html
            # This sessions config doesn't apply to extra URL handlers - they're in charge of their own.
  enable: True  # The global switch - Set to False to disable session support entirely

  cookies:  # What to do with cookies in each session type
             # session | Accept all cookies, but don't save anything to file
             # save    | Save any cookies set by websites to the cookie jar
             # update  | Discard any new cookies, but update any old ones that already exist
             # discard | Discard all new cookies, don't save anything
    group: save
    global: discard

  never: []  # Domains that should never store their sessions
              # These are checked first, before the rest
#  - 'facebook\.com'
#  - '.*\.facebook\.com'

  group:  # Groups of domains that should share session stores and never use the global store
           # These are checked after grouped domains - Any not matched after this stage use the global store
    - 'google\.com'
    - '.*\.google\.com'
    - 'youtube\.com'
    - '.*\.youtube\.com'

This rather large section is all about how we handle cookies. It’s a little complicated, but provides quite a lot of flexibility. This part of the plugin uses regular expressions.

  • enable: Set this to False to completely disable cookie support for this plugin. Note that plugins that add handlers are free to ignore this setting.
  • cookies: What to do with cookies, depending on how they’re categorised.
    • Categories:
      • group: Domains that you’ve grouped together, as shown below.
      • global: Any domains that you haven’t included in a group.
    • Settings:
      • session: Accept all cookies and hold onto them until the plugin is reloaded. Never save them to file.
      • save: Save all cookies to file.
      • update: Discard any new cookies, but update any others that already exist.
      • discard: Discard all cookies, don’t save anything.
  • never: Regular expressions for domains that should never have cookies stored for them
  • group: Groups of domains that should share their cookies, but keep them separate from all other domains.
    • example_group: Set this to a name that you’ll remember, as it’s used as the name of the cookie jar.
      • All domains in this list should be proper regular expressions to match.

If you don’t understand regular expressions, we recommend the excellent Learn Regex the Hard Way by Zed. A. Shaw - Although it only goes up to exercise 16, it’s a great place to start.

Please also note that when you’re writing regular expressions in YAML, you should surround them with ‘single quotes’, so that YAML will not try to directly handle any regex escapes you use.

  max_read_size: 16384

This section is about advanced connection settings. Right now it only contains one setting - max_read_size. This setting is used when finding titles on pages - It will only read the specified number of bytes before attempting to find the title. This prevents excessively large pages or maliciously-crafted URLs from taking too long to parse or using up all of Ultros’ memory.

We recommend you keep the default of 16384 bytes (that’s 16 KiB). You may change it if required, but setting it too high may make the plugin sluggish, and setting it too low may miss some titles.

proxies:  # For proxying requests through http proxies

The last line in the file is the version of your configuration. Do not change this or you will likely break your configuration as we add newer versions.

Once you’re all set up and ready to go, don’t forget to open config/settings.yml and add URLs to your list of plugins!

Permissions and commands

Command: urls

  • Permission: urls.manage
  • Usage: urls <setting> <value>
    • Setting: set <on/off> - Enable or disable handling URLs for the current channel
    • Setting: shortener <name> - Set which URL shortener to use for the current channel
    • Run this command without arguments for help text and a list of shorteners

Command: shorten

  • Permission: urls.shorten
  • Usage: shorten [url]
    • You may specify a URL to shorten, or omit it to use the last URL that was sent to the channel
    • This will use the channel’s configured shortener, or the default shortener when that isn’t configured, the shortener is missing, or the command is used in a private message

Permission: urls.trigger

  • This is used to determine whether a user is allowed to trigger the URLs plugin with a URL
    • This is a default permission, but you may use it to deny access to specific users, channels or protocols if needed

Known extension plugins